“There is an increasing demand for advanced security systems, and the scope of the security industry is expanding.
The key to expanding our business is differentiating ourselves from other companies. Our system for monitoring unauthorized intrusions to prevent crimes and accidents has become a strong point of our company.”
Company C
Due to the declining birth rate in Japan, there are concerns about future labor shortages. It was important for Company C to upgrade its security system as a labor-saving measure.
Although many surveillance cameras were in operation, extracting and detecting only the movements related to security has been very difficult.
In fact, the system was not able to improve detection accuracy. The company contacted a number of companies, including Adacotech, to introduce a new system.
Other companies were not able to increase detection accuracy due to disturbances in the videos.
Adacotech was selected because of its high detection accuracy, easy-to-understand logic, and ability to customize detailed settings according to the situation.
Currently, about 150 cameras are connected to the system.
It achieves 100% detection accuracy while minimizing false alerts.
“With Adacotech, we have been able to improve our service levels and increase customer satisfaction. We are looking forward to expanding our business in the future.”
Company C